Wednesday, December 3, 2014

SOOO It's been a while...

Wow! My last post was back in 2010! I took the liberty to read all of my old posts just to see where I had left off because I couldn't remember. Well, needless to say, lots and lots has changed. Just to keep it short and simple (My new motto) and for your sake of not having to read my life story, I fell in love with acting and dancing, worked a lot, fell in love again with a guy and another, fell in love with my life, got my heart broken, broke a heart, made friends, lost friends, had some great memories through and through. Found a soul mate, got engaged, got pregnant, had my baby girl Adelyn, got married and now we are all caught up. WHEW! This was completely impromptu and I have no great words of wisdom for now. Just wondering if I still have some interested beings out there. 4 years is a super long time and I don't blame anyone for not continuing to follow up with me. I did't even leave notice lol Any who, its late hope its all good out there. Sending all my blessings and love. Always love, You know, Janiece