Saturday, February 27, 2010

Tell Florida Lawmakers: No More Wrongful Convictions

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SOOO!!! This hits home hard for me!! I usually do not like talking politics or issues that deal with the government. But, and that is a big but lol. This issue happens to be occurring back home and I have major issues with the policies that deal with convictions of any kind. At an early age, I realized that the governments policy of innocence until proven guilty, is a crock and load of dirty laundry which will not be cleaned. Someone very close to me was taken to jail wrongfully and the "Police" had no proof of her guilt. Yet, she was still detained, most likely because she was a poor hispanic woman with no power or voice, according to the majority of society. To make matters worse, now get this, she was taken to jail for a busted tail light, no seat belt and a warrant for her arrest due to bad checks. Ok, fine, go straight to jail, do not pass go but no bail!!!! How can murderers, like the young man that admitted to shooting my cousin, I mean admitted to his crime; how can a murderer get bail and a poor desperate young hispanic woman not get bail for bad checks, a busted tail light and no seat belt? REALLYYY???? I can not begin to emphasize how ass backwards that is and how much our system is a lie!!! Needless to say my cousins murderer was bailed out within 24 hours. While my beloved hispanic woman which committed a misdemeanor was stuck in jail for the weekend with no bail! Lets rewind, my cousin was a hispanic young man, which the police viewed as just another hispanic gangster. What the police did not know, is that my cousin was not a gangster and was a very smart and caring hispanic male with plenty of potential. Yet, the police saw it as another non-important spanish male, that would have caused havoc. They allowed his murderer to walk for doing the police a favor of getting rid of the garbage. The murderer fleed the country and the police had him in custody with a full blown voluntary confession of the murder!!!! How did this kid get bail and get away?? Back to the innocent woman in jail waiting for courts to open Tuesday, it was a long weekend, just our luck. YES, innocent!! Turns out the warrant was not for her, it just so happened they had the same names and ethnicity. So, in jail for four days, no bail for a busted tail light, no seat belt and a wrongful accusation of writing bad checks. The police did not bother to check, they saw a hispanic woman and assumed. What happens when the system makes a mistake? What happens when your rights are violated and you are put in jail and held guilty until proven innocent, not the other way around? What happens when you realize you are not protected if you are a minor? People who murder minors flee and get bail and your innocent self goes to jail for a misdemeanor you did not commit, with no bail. I have written that several times to make you all realize how wrong that is on so many different levels!!! I can not begin to express my anger but that will get me no where. What will get me somewhere is reaching to the masses, especially minors, to take stand and voice your rights of innocence until proven guilty!!! Because, lets face it we are the ones that get picked on. Additionally, lets take stand and stop being afraid because that is what gives them power. They feed off fear. When they are wrong we have to prosecute them, the way they do to us on a daily basis. We can not continue to allow the government to make immense detrimental mistakes and just give them a slap on the wrists. We are talking about people's lives here! Who is responsible for that? I say the people that put us in jail wrongfully and detain us and then the people who judge and make the decisions to kill us! Who are they? Who are they, that they can make mistakes and ruin peoples lives and families because they think they have the power!!! STAND UP!!!! Speak up and use the system's policy to your advantage! YOU ARE INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY! NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND! NOTE TO ALL POLICE, DO YOUR WORK!!! THAT IS WHAT WE PAY FOR YOU!!!!

Always Peace N Love,

You Know,


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